netcdf aws/l2stations/netcdf/hour/ { dimensions: time = 5688; variables: double rec(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "record"; :long_name = "Record"; :units = "-"; :coverage_content_type = "referenceInformation"; :coordinates = "time"; double p_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "air_pressure"; :long_name = "Air pressure (upper boom)"; :units = "hPa"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "air_temperature"; :long_name = "Air temperature (upper boom)"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double rh_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "relative_humidity"; :long_name = "Relative humidity (upper boom)"; :units = "%"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double rh_u_wrt_ice_or_water(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "relative_humidity_with_respect_to_ice_or_water"; :long_name = "Relative humidity (upper boom) with respect to saturation over ice in subfreezing conditions and over water otherwise"; :units = "%"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double wspd_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "wind_speed"; :long_name = "Wind speed (upper boom)"; :units = "m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double wdir_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "wind_from_direction"; :long_name = "Wind from direction (upper boom)"; :units = "degrees"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double wdir_std_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "wind_from_direction_standard_deviation"; :long_name = "Wind from direction (standard deviation)"; :units = "degrees"; :coverage_content_type = "qualityInformation"; :coordinates = "time"; double wspd_x_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "wind_speed_from_x_direction"; :long_name = "Wind speed from x direction (upper boom)"; :units = "m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double wspd_y_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "wind_speed_from_y_direction"; :long_name = "Wind speed from y direction (upper boom)"; :units = "m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double dsr(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux"; :long_name = "Downwelling shortwave radiation"; :units = "W m-2"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double dsr_cor(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_corrected"; :long_name = "Downwelling shortwave radiation - corrected"; :units = "W m-2"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double usr(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux"; :long_name = "Upwelling shortwave radiation"; :units = "W m-2"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double usr_cor(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_corrected"; :long_name = "Upwelling shortwave radiation - corrected"; :units = "W m-2"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double albedo(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "surface_albedo"; :long_name = "Albedo"; :units = "-"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double dlr(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux"; :long_name = "Downwelling longwave radiation"; :units = "W m-2"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double ulr(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux"; :long_name = "Upwelling longwave radiation"; :units = "W m-2"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double cc(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "cloud_area_fraction"; :long_name = "Cloud cover"; :units = "%"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_surf(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "surface_temperature"; :long_name = "Surface temperature"; :units = "C"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double z_boom_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "distance_to_surface_from_boom"; :long_name = "Upper boom height"; :units = "m"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double z_boom_q_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "distance_to_surface_from_boom_quality"; :long_name = "Upper boom height (quality)"; :units = "-"; :coverage_content_type = "qualityInformation"; :coordinates = "time"; double z_stake(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "distance_to_surface_from_stake_assembly"; :long_name = "Stake height"; :units = "m"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double z_stake_q(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "distance_to_surface_from_stake_assembly_quality"; :long_name = "Stake height (quality)"; :units = "-"; :coverage_content_type = "qualityInformation"; :coordinates = "time"; double z_pt(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "depth_of_pressure_transducer_in_ice"; :long_name = "Depth of pressure transducer in ice"; :units = "m"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double z_pt_cor(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "depth_of_pressure_transducer_in_ice_corrected"; :long_name = "Depth of pressure transducer in ice - corrected"; :units = "m"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double precip_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "precipitation"; :long_name = "Precipitation (upper boom) (cumulative solid & liquid)"; :units = "mm"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double precip_u_cor(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "precipitation_corrected"; :long_name = "Precipitation (upper boom) (cumulative solid & liquid) – corrected"; :units = "mm"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double precip_u_rate(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "precipitation_rate"; :long_name = "Precipitation rate (upper boom) (cumulative solid & liquid) – corrected"; :units = "mm"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i_1(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "ice_temperature_at_t1"; :long_name = "Ice temperature at sensor 1"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i_2(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "ice_temperature_at_t2"; :long_name = "Ice temperature at sensor 2"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i_3(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "ice_temperature_at_t3"; :long_name = "Ice temperature at sensor 3"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i_4(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "ice_temperature_at_t4"; :long_name = "Ice temperature at sensor 4"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i_5(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "ice_temperature_at_t5"; :long_name = "Ice temperature at sensor 5"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i_6(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "ice_temperature_at_t6"; :long_name = "Ice temperature at sensor 6"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i_7(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "ice_temperature_at_t7"; :long_name = "Ice temperature at sensor 7"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i_8(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "ice_temperature_at_t8"; :long_name = "Ice temperature at sensor 8"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double tilt_x(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "platform_view_angle_x"; :long_name = "Tilt to east"; :units = "degrees"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double tilt_y(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "platform_view_angle_y"; :long_name = "Tilt to north"; :units = "degrees"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double rot(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "platform_azimuth_angle"; :long_name = "Station rotation from true North"; :units = "degrees"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double gps_lat(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "gps_latitude"; :long_name = "Latitude"; :units = "degrees_north"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double gps_lon(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "gps_longitude"; :long_name = "Longitude"; :units = "degrees_east"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double gps_alt(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "gps_altitude"; :long_name = "Altitude above mean sea level (orthometric height)"; :units = "m"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :positive = "up"; :coordinates = "time"; double gps_time(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "gps_time"; :long_name = "GPS time"; :units = "s"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double gps_geoid(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "gps_geoid_separation"; :long_name = "Height of EGM96 geoid over WGS84 ellipsoid"; :units = "m"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double gps_geounit(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "gps_geounit"; :long_name = "GeoUnit"; :units = "-"; :coverage_content_type = "qualityInformation"; :coordinates = "time"; double gps_hdop(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "gps_hdop"; :long_name = "GPS horizontal dillution of precision (HDOP)"; :units = "m"; :coverage_content_type = "qualityInformation"; :coordinates = "time"; double batt_v(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "battery_voltage"; :long_name = "Battery voltage"; :units = "V"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double fan_dc_u(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "fan_current"; :long_name = "Fan current (upper boom)"; :units = "mA"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_log(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "temperature_of_logger"; :long_name = "Logger temperature"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_rad(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "temperature_of_radiation_sensor"; :long_name = "Radiation sensor temperature"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double p_i(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "air_pressure"; :long_name = "Air pressure (instantaneous) minus 1000"; :units = "hPa"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double t_i(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "air_temperature"; :long_name = "Air temperature (instantaneous)"; :units = "degrees_C"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double rh_i(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "relative_humidity"; :long_name = "Relative humidity (instantaneous)"; :units = "%"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double rh_i_wrt_ice_or_water(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "relative_humidity_with_respect_to_ice_or_water"; :long_name = "Relative humidity (instantaneous) with respect to saturation over ice in subfreezing conditions and over water otherwise"; :units = "%"; :coverage_content_type = "modelResult"; :coordinates = "time"; double wspd_i(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "wind_speed"; :long_name = "Wind speed (instantaneous)"; :units = "m s-1"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; double wdir_i(time=5688); :_FillValue = NaN; // double :standard_name = "wind_from_direction"; :long_name = "Wind from direction (instantaneous)"; :units = "degrees"; :coverage_content_type = "physicalMeasurement"; :coordinates = "time"; int time(time=5688); :calendar = "proleptic_gregorian"; :units = "hours since 2022-05-28 12:00:00"; // global attributes: :level = "L2"; :format = "merged RAW and TX"; :latitude = "79.8348942994191"; :longitude = "-25.162559251892272"; :tilt_y_factor = "-1"; :station_id = "KPC_Uv3"; :logger_type = "CR1000X"; :number_of_booms = "1"; :site_type = "ablation"; :bedrock = "False"; :latitude_origin = "average of GPS-measured lat, potentially including gaps"; :longitude_origin = "average of GPS-measured lon, potentially including gaps"; :altitude = "867.6914275655695"; :altitude_origin = "average of GPS-measured alt, potentially including gaps"; :id = "dk.geus.promice.station.KPC_Uv3.L2.hourly"; :history = "Generated on 2024-11-24T16:07:10.391702"; :date_created = "2024-11-24T16:07:10.391709"; :date_modified = "2024-11-24T16:07:10.391709"; :date_issued = "2024-11-24T16:07:10.391709"; :date_metadata_modified = "2024-11-24T16:07:10.391709"; :processing_level = "Level 2"; :title = "AWS measurements from KPC_Uv3 processed to level 2. Hourly average."; :geospatial_bounds = "POLYGON((79.834823 -25.162948, 79.834823 -25.162118, 79.834982 -25.162118, 79.834982 -25.162948, 79.834823 -25.162948))"; :geospatial_lat_min = "79.834823"; :geospatial_lat_max = "79.834982"; :geospatial_lon_min = "-25.162948"; :geospatial_lon_max = "-25.162118"; :geospatial_vertical_min = "829.0"; :geospatial_vertical_max = "902.0"; :geospatial_vertical_positive = "up"; :time_coverage_start = "2022-05-28T12:00:00.000000000"; :time_coverage_end = "2023-01-20T11:00:00.000000000"; :time_coverage_duration = "P236DT23H0M0S"; :time_coverage_resolution = "P0DT1H0M0S"; :attribute = "entry"; :acknowledgements = "The Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE)"; :cdm_data_type = ""; :comment = ""; :contributor_name = ""; :contributor_role = ""; :conventions = "ACDD-1.3; CF-1.7"; :creater_email = ""; :creater_url = ""; :creator_institution = "Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)"; :creator_name = "Penelope How"; :creator_type = "person"; :featureType = "timeSeries"; :geospatial_bounds_crs = "EPSG:4979"; :geospatial_lat_extents_match = "gps_lat"; :geospatial_lat_resolution = ""; :geospatial_lat_units = "degrees_north"; :geospatial_lon_extents_match = "gps_lon"; :geospatial_lon_resolution = ""; :geospatial_lon_units = "degrees_east"; :geospatial_vertical_resolution = ""; :geospatial_vertical_units = "EPSG:4979"; :institution = "Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS)"; :instrument = "See"; :instrument_vocabulary = "GCMD:GCMD Keywords"; :keywords = "GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS > ICE SHEETS > ICE SHEET MEASUREMENTS; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > GLACIERS/ICE SHEETS > GLACIER MASS BALANCE/ICE SHEET MASS BALANCE; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > SNOW/ICE TEMPERATURE; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > SNOW/ICE; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > SNOW MELT; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > SNOW DEPTH; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > ICE VELOCITY; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > CRYOSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > ALBEDO; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > ALBEDO; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > ICE GROWTH/MELT; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > ICE VELOCITY; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > SNOW DEPTH; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > SNOW MELT; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > SNOW/ICE > SNOW/ICE TEMPERATURE; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > TERRESTRIAL HYDROSPHERE > SNOW/ICE; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > ALBEDO; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > INCOMING SOLAR RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > LONGWAVE RADIATION > DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > LONGWAVE RADIATION > UPWELLING LONGWAVE RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > LONGWAVE RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > NET RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > OUTGOING LONGWAVE RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > RADIATIVE FLUX; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > RADIATIVE FORCING; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > SHORTWAVE RADIATION > DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > SHORTWAVE RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION > SUNSHINE; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC RADIATION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATURE > SURFACE TEMPERATURE > AIR TEMPERATURE; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR > WATER VAPOR INDICATORS > HUMIDITY > ABSOLUTE HUMIDITY; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WATER VAPOR > WATER VAPOR INDICATORS > HUMIDITY > RELATIVE HUMIDITY; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WINDS > LOCAL WINDS; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WINDS > SURFACE WINDS > U/V WIND COMPONENTS; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WINDS > SURFACE WINDS > WIND DIRECTION; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WINDS > SURFACE WINDS > WIND SPEED; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > ATMOSPHERIC WINDS > SURFACE WINDS; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > CLOUDS; GCMDSK:EARTH SCIENCE > ATMOSPHERE > PRECIPITATION"; :keywords_vocabulary = "GCMDSK:GCMD Science Keywords:"; :license = "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)"; :metadata_link = ""; :naming_authority = "dk.geus.promice"; :platform = ""; :platform_vocabulary = "GCMD:GCMD Keywords"; :product_status = "beta"; :product_version = "4"; :program = "PROMICE"; :publisher_email = ""; :publisher_institution = "GEUS"; :publisher_name = "GEUS"; :publisher_type = "institution"; :publisher_url = ""; :references = "How, P.; Abermann, J.; Ahlstrøm, A.P.; Andersen, S.B.; Box, J. E.; Citterio, M.; Colgan, W.T.; Fausto. R.S.; Karlsson, N.B.; Jakobsen, J.; Langley, K.; Larsen, S.H.; Mankoff, K.D.; Pedersen, A.Ø.; Rutishauser, A.; Shield, C.L.; Solgaard, A.M.; van As, D.; Vandecrux, B.; Wright, P.J., 2022, \"PROMICE and GC-Net automated weather station data in Greenland\",, GEUS Dataverse"; :references_bib = "@article{How2022; doi = {10.22008/FK2/IW73UU}; url = {}; year = {2022}; month=10; publisher= {GEUS Dataverse}; author = {Penelope How and Jakob Abermann and Andreas P. Ahlstr{\\o}m and Signe B. Andersen and Jason E. Box and Michele Citterio and William Colgan and Robert S. Fausto and Nanna B. Karlsson and Jakob Jakobsen and Kirsty Langley and Signe Hillerup Larsen and Kenneth D. Mankoff and Allan {\\O}. Pedersen and Anja Rutishauser and Christopher L. Shields and Anne M. Solgaard and Dirk van As and Baptiste Vandecrux}; title = {PROMICE and GC-Net automated weather station data in Greenland}; journal = {GEUS Dataverse}}"; :standard_name_vocabulary = "CF Standard Name Table (v77; 19 January 2021)"; :summary = "The Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE) and Greenland Climate Network (GC-Net) have been measuring climate and ice sheet properties since 2007 and 1995, respectively. The PROMICE weather station network monitors glacier mass balance in the melt zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet, providing ground truth data to calibrate mass budget models. GC-Net weather stations measure snowfall and surface properties in the accumulation zone, providing valuable knowledge on the Greenland Ice Sheet’s mass gain and climatology.Accurate measurements of the surface and near-surface atmospheric conditions in a changing climate is important for reliable present and future assessment of changes to the Greenland Ice Sheet. All measurements are handled and processed with pypromice, which is a peer-reviewed and freely available Python package with source code available at A user-contributable dynamic web-based database of known data quality issues is associated with the data products at PROMICE-AWS-data-issues/."; :source = "{\"pypromice\": \"1.5.0\", \"l0_config_file\": \"KPC_Uv3.toml:87498c35453dc3acfd441a052e6d1ca5837e43d1\", \"l0_data_root\": \"87498c35453dc3acfd441a052e6d1ca5837e43d1\", \"data_issues\": \"1b456976103a0664344977b24e10181f9bd72f54\"}"; }